NAI Miami Donates over $1000 to Direct Relief to Help Puerto Rico Earthquake Recovery Efforts

For Immediate Release

Jackie Larkin, Director of Marketing


MIAMI, FLORIDA – NAI Miami, a member of the world’s premier managed network of commercial real estate firms, announced today a donation of $1,380.60 has been made to Direct Relief for assistance in the recovery efforts cause by the many earthquakes Puerto Rico has been facing since December 28th.

“We are proud to support Direct Relief to help deliver necessary medicine and other essential equipment to the people of Puerto Rico”, said Jeremy Larkin, CEO of NAI Miami. “Given our close proximity and connection with many people who are currently living in Puerto Rico, we have a personal interest in helping our neighbours as it touches the lives of so many people in our community.”

The U.S. Geological Survey reported that over 500 earthquakes of magnitude 2 and above have hit Puerto Rico since December 28, 2019, including a 6.5 and 5.8-magnitude quakes this month.

Widespread power outages, a lack of running water, and ongoing tremors with the ability to potentially take down more structures are the most pressing issues facing the U.S. territory, in addition to about 2,000 evacuees who have left their homes in the southern part of the island, according to the Ivonne Rodriguez-Wiewall, head of Direct Relief’s Puerto Rico office.

“People are still very scared,” she said, while traveling with physicians and mental health care providers between four shelters around Guayama, Guánica, and Ponce.

“In Ponce, you can see the earth literally cracked.”

Dozens of homes collapsed in Guánica, according to that city’s mayor, and images of heavily damaged structures have emerged from locales throughout the southern part of the island.

“They’re moving into open spaces now, the earth is still shaking,” Rodriguez-Wiewall said.

“People didn’t know if it’s okay to drive, so they’re staying together… Authorities are evacuating everyone from buildings, including nursing homes and hospitals, more than two stories high.”

Rodriguez-Wiewall said close to 2,000 people have moved into open spaces and will be sleeping in FEMA and military-provided tents with cots.

Along with hundreds of other structures, the earthquakes have caused damage at three major hospitals in the south, which are being powered by generators. After visiting various shelters, Rodriguez-Wiewall said fear of structural damage and uncertainty about aftershocks have deterred some people from seeking out medical attention at hospitals and health care clinics in the area, making the mobile units and jeeps that were donated after Hurricane Maria key to medical response efforts.

Another resiliency measure — solar-powered water pumps — has also proved to be beneficial. The pumps, which were installed in communities located in the center and southeastern parts of the island with the help of Por Los Nuestros, have held up and allowed locals to maintain access to potable water, which was one of the most pressing issues after Hurricane Maria, and is currently a major concern in the aftermath of the earthquakes, especially in the south.

In response to the earthquakes, Direct Relief is sending essential medicines and supplies to Puerto Rico to supply 10 medical health provider teams at the request of Puerto Rico’s Department of Health.

Rodriguez-Wiewall said her team’s next steps are to continue planning a hub of medical services in Guánica, which is one of the biggest centers for displaced people, while responding to requests from local mayors.

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