NAI Miami | Fort Lauderdale Pays It Forward South Dade Style

In efforts to keep our staff safe and healthy and give back to our community a group of amazing NAI Miami | Fort Lauderdale team members really stepped it up!

On Monday the NAI Miami | Fort Lauderdale team received this email from our CEO Jeremy Larkin:

We are fortunate to live in Miami and be part of a growing urban area which is so close to the largest winter vegetable and fruit farms in the United States. As a result of the pandemic, these farmers are unable to sell their crops to their usual clients, the local restaurants, airlines and cruise lines for obvious reasons. Rather than leave these crops in the fields, some farms are harvesting them and offering the harvest to the local community in bulk quantity. Bonnie and Jeff Buell volunteered to get up at the crack of dawn today and go wait an hour in line to purchase fruits and vegetables.

Please take what you and your families need. If you can, pay it forward so we can continue our NAI Miami Food Pantry.

Be safe. Be well. Take care of your families and yourself.

The response was incredible!

Together the NAI Miami | Fort Lauderdale team packed bags, coordinated deliveries and even collected enough money to do a second run!

CEO Jeremy Larkin also shared this quotes:

“And that is what the economy is really about: not stocks, not bonds, or corporate profits but human potential.” Umair

It is through challenging moments that your character is forged and one develops the characteristics required to evolve in our paths to personal and spiritual maturity. These are moments of clarity to understand what you are and are not. “Suffering introduces you to yourself and reminds you that you are not the person you thought you were.” Paul Tillich

We are so much more than we imagine ourselves to be.

We hope by sharing our experience we motivate others in our community to step up.

If you are, or know of any other farms or restaurants setting up distributions please contact us!

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